ISM LetterMan Jacket
ISM Letter jacket details:
Base jacket includes wool body jacket, vinyl sleeves and chenille Huskies on the back. Base price is $164.90. Total price will depend on other options you select to decorate your jacket.
Be sure to select Huskies on the back when building your jacket online - it is included in your price.
Custom Chenille Options:
ISM has several custom chenille patches, including the 2 digit graduation years in ISM font. These are available to select when you design and order your jacket.
Many additional standard activity patches are available, as well.
Activity Patches
ISM offers custom activity patches. To order additional patches for your jacket after your initial jacket purchase see below. Patches can be applied by a local tailor or you can sew/hand sew patches on yourself. We recommend All Seasons Garment Care is - as they offer local pick up/delivery, as well as dry cleaning services and have several locations around the metro area.